Saturday, November 01, 2008

Pushing Daisies - romance with eggs and toast

Yeah, it's another breakfast post but I don't care.  

My new favorite show is Pushing Daisies (on ABC Wednesdays at 8).  It's a fairy tale, it's a murder mystery, it's an (sometimes) acid trip but it's also a love story.

Ned, a pie maker, has the ability to bring people back to life with just a touch.  He uses this ability to help his friend Emerson, a private investigator, solve murder mysteries.  The drawback to Ned's ability is that he must touch the person again and return them to death within a minute of reviving them or they stay alive and someone else (generally someone close by) will die.  Kind of a death-must-be-avenged thing.

So when Ned comes across his childhood love, Charlotte (Chuck), dead - he can't resist bringing her back to life.  And letting her live (thankfully, the person who had to die was an evil undertaker).

But now, Chuck and Ned are in love but they can't touch each other, ever, or Chuck will return to her dead-ness.  So the show spends a lot of time, mostly very sweet and cute gags, keeping Ned and Chuck from touching but still having them fall in love.

ANYWAY - that's just a set-up for the eggs and toast - Chuck is living with Ned and decides she needs to be independent and moves out, albeit to the apartment next door.  They're both miserable but neither will say it and one morning, they meet leaving their apartments and Chuck comments that she "smells eggs and toast and though of you (Ned)" to which Ned says "well, I was making eggs and toast for breakfast".

It was sweet.  REALLY sweet.  And I'm not a sweet kinda guy so you know it has to be terribly sweet.  ANYWAY - I was feeling weak and romanticky so I made eggs and toast.  :)  And here are the pictures:  eggs, scrambled and a scant bit of cheddar shredded on top and whole wheat toast with Plugra butter - mmmm.

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