Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Cold weather, hot breakfast

It's not porridge - not oatmeal - it's grits.  Get it straight.  We're in the south. Land of all things corn.  We say "Bless Your Heart".  We eat grits.

*I* eat grits.  Love 'em.

I consider myself a grits purist.  I don't go for the sugared or garlicked type - you're changing a staple of southern tables from something pure and revered into something else.  Something fancy.  Something unholy, one might say.

That said ... I have no issue dressing up grits.  

It was FREEZING (literally) this morning when I got up.  

Now I'm not normally a make-breakfast-during-the-week kinda guy - I'm usually running out the door late.  But this morning I decided to work a bit at home before I drove to the office and once THAT decision was made, I had a hankerin' for breakfast.  SO I made some grits.

As any true Southerner should feel, I don't believe in "instant" grits - for that best-bowl feeling, you gotta cook 'em a while.  On low.  Stir frequently.  OH, and add just a bit of butter.

But when you're done, dressing them up with bacon and a little ground black pepper is TOTALLY acceptable.  And yummy.  And with a big bowl of grits in your belly you're probably not going to need lunch until mid-afternoon!

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