Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Brown Butter Chicken

It was one of those days ... rain for nearly 24 hours ... of course I woke up late and, instead of a leisurely "work at home" day I had to rush to the office for a 10am meeting.  On the way out, I put some chicken in the fridge to defrost.

I thought all day long about that chicken.  Using my Grandma's skin-it-then-bread-it-then-fry-it method I was going to whip up some fried chicken (one of my favorite comfort foods) and watch Pushing Daisies.

The weather was still awful when I got home so I put on some flannels, took my contacts out and started putting my fried chicken together.

What???  No oil?  Of any kind?  Nothing?  Nothing but butter???!!!???

Of all the luck ... so like any good cook in a pinch I switched gears and decided on just searing it in a little butter.  I had defrosted chicken in the fridge and needed to use it.

Then I remembered a tip I picked up about the nutty, hearty flavor of browned butter. Basically, just-under-burnt butter.  The butter morphs into something warm and wintry and T-A-S-T-Y.  So that's what I did ... I browned about two tablespoons of butter and added my (non-floured since I wasn't frying it) salted, peppered chicken to the pan.

Seared, really pan-fried, for five minutes on each side and I wound up with a wonderfully crisp exterior but still quite moist chicken.  A few quick-steamed veggies and a lemon squeeze and I was happy.

Not fried chicken happy, but happy. :)

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