Saturday, June 05, 2010

EGGS AT 4AM (with just a bit of innuendo thrown in for good measure)

There's a number of benefits to living alone - bathroom habits are yours alone, television watching doesn't have to be discussed, quiet time for reading is readily available.

And, waking up at 4am on Saturday morning with a wicked craving for scrambled eggs isn't going to disturb anyone.

I wasn't dreaming about chickens or food or sex or the movie Alien or sex or golf balls or sex or anything else I can think of that would trick me into craving scrambled eggs - I just knew I had to have them.

So, next thing I know, I have a pan filled with nutty-smelling butter and 3 eggs.

And there lies another plus to living alone - you can quell any craving you have at any time! :)

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