Saturday, January 16, 2010


I don't know what it says. I don't know if it's sugar-free, fat-free, trans-free, animal cruelty free, or what (like any of that's ever mattered to me). I don't even know exactly what it's made of.

But I LOVE it - years ago, a friend of mine turned me on to the farmer's markets around Atlanta. All kinds of food-stuffs in one place - nearly anything you can imagine. And once, we bought what he called a "Honey Cake" from the Japanese cake and dessert section.

And since he is one-half Japanese, I only assumed it was truly called a Honey Cake. Frankly, it could be called "Rush is Right" cake or "If You Eat This You Die" cake for all I know and read Japanese.
Either way - TASTY cake is what I call it. It's kind of a pound cake in that Entemann's pound cake sorta way but the flavors are significantly different. Not as sweet as we Americans like our sweets, and definitely with a hint of honey somewhere in it.

So maybe he was right ... anyone translate Japanese???

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